Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Home sweet home.

We cannot WAIT to move into this cute little house! I fell in love with it the first second we walked in the door. If the sellers would have recorded our conversation while we were there they could have bumped up the price based on my comments!

We had a few LONG days of home shopping when we arrived in CO. We arrived at 11am and by 11:45am our real estate agent picked us up and off we went. Day one consisted of 18 houses...yes, 18 houses. Let's not forget that we were awake at 3:30am and flew across the country and had a 2 hour time change. Day one was a bit rough!

Day two was a little easier. We only had about 10 house to look at and we had a better idea of what we were looking for. Unfortunately, we didn't find it.

Day three was THE day...the day that we found our FIRST house! We bumped up our budget just a bit and it changed everything! We walked into the house and it was love at first sight for me...not so much for Bobby. He had his heart set on another house that was bank owned and I just did not want to go down that road. After much discussion we decided that this WAS the best house for us! At 10pm that night we put in a low offer and waited for what seemed liked days, maybe even weeks...

1pm the next day we got the call...they accepted our offer and that was it. That gorgeous little house was ours!

We will be closing on Tuesday, November 18th so let's hope that all goes well. We will be moving out of DC on Monday, November 10th and driving to Pittsburgh for 2 days and then WEST we go! If you happen to live anywhere along Route 70 you better look out because we are coming your way!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

So it begins...

Much to Bobby's chagrin, here comes the Meg and Bobby blog. Yippee! There is so much going on with everyone and sometimes I forget to write things in an email so I figured, hey, let's start a blog! I KNOW you are all dying to see each and every step of our crazy lives so I figured this would work out best for all of us!

I will try to post as much as possible while on our way to COLORADO! Today marks the two week countdown until we leave Washington, DC. What a sad, yet happy day that will be! This IS where our "romance" began, ya' know?!