Friday, February 6, 2009

Our first born....Porter.

I spent countless hours on the Dumb Friends League Shelter website. Days, weeks, months went by looking for the prefect dog. We went to the shelter's on a weekly basis and it was getting a little out of hand. Bobby's first question when he got home would be, "did you check the website?" Of course I checked the website.

We became dog obsessed. One Saturday morning, Bobby looked to see what new dogs were up for adoption. He noticed a cute little 10 week old English Pointer mix (Charlie) and his brother (Leo). He said we should run to the shelter and see if one of them could be our dog. We hopped in the car and headed to the shelter. About an hour later...we were the proud parents of a 10 week old little boy (Leo) that we later named Porter.

Isn't he adorable??

Drivin' cross country!

We said our goodbye’s in Pittsburgh and we were on the move. Literally. We were moving halfway across the country and we couldn't wait to get there. We packed up the bunny (the nickname I gave my car many years ago) and hit the road.

The trip was going to be 5 days of Bobby and Meghan time…in the car…for 5 days…oh my. The directions were very simple. Get on 70 until you get into Colorado, then ,make our way to Castle Rock. Our new home sweet home. That is exactly what we did, with a few stops along the way.

Here we are crossing the border into WV from Pennsylvania. Wild and Wonderful.

We had to make our fist meal at Cracker Barrel. Lots of fried food and gravy. Yummy!

I forget to get the sign going into Ohio but I got the sign when we left. Bye OHIO, and your welcome.

On to Indiana. We passed right through Indianapolis - Boo Colts.

Our first hotel room was in a tiny town and it wasn't the nicest place we have ever stayed. I went to Walgreen's to get some Clorox wipes. I just had to.

We passed through Illinois but I forgot to take pictures. I think I was tired at that point.
Next was Missouri. We stopped in a little town called Clayton and I fell in love with that place. It was the cutest little town about 15 minutes outside of St. Louis with old charm but it had some newer things too. We stopped to see a friend that lives in St. Louis and he just happened to be going to a wedding that afternoon. He still made time to come and say hi for 10 minutes. It was a lot of fun and so random!

St. Louis was great. We went all the way to the top of the arch and we made it back down, thankfully. It was REALLY high up there and the ride up was the worst part. You have to sit in this little pod with 5 other people and it take about 5 minutes to get there. That was the scariest 5 minutes of my life. In the end, I am glad that we made the scary pod ride.
Me, kicking up my heels. Doing a little dance in St. Louis!

This angle is never flattering. Triple chin is never a good thing. Bobby was quite the photographer on this trip!

We made a quick side trip to Overland Park, KS to visit our friends Karyn and Steve. Unfortunately, Karyn was out of town but it was still great to see Steve!

Downtown Kansas City.

Our last hotel stop somewhere right outside of Colorado. Parking lot photo shoot.

This is what we saw for 2 days through Kansas and Colorado. It was beautiful for the first hour and then it got pretty boring. Bobby swears that he saw a coyote run across the road several times. Do you think I ever saw the coyote? Nope. I still think he was making it up to keep himself entertained!

COLORADO!! They actually have a little parking lot on the side of the highway so that you can take pictures with the sing. This people in Colorado are so smart!

We made it to Castle Rock! Can you believe that we now live at 6200 feet above sea level?? I still can't believe it!

We drove straight to our new house just to make sure it was still there. It was a surreal moment. We had been driving for 5 days and we arrived at our new house...our house that we owned (well, we would own in 24 hours). The closing was the next morning and we were so excited! No more throwing money away to our landlord!

This trip was amazing. We saw so many places that we may have never see in our lives. We spent so much time together in a tiny little car and I enjoyed every minute of it. I would love to do it again someday from here to California.
We are loving life in Colorado and I hope that you all can come and visit us soon! Make sure you give us a heads up because I like the house to be spotless. I have become a bit of a neat freak in my new house. I guess things could be worse?!