Friday, February 6, 2009

Our first born....Porter.

I spent countless hours on the Dumb Friends League Shelter website. Days, weeks, months went by looking for the prefect dog. We went to the shelter's on a weekly basis and it was getting a little out of hand. Bobby's first question when he got home would be, "did you check the website?" Of course I checked the website.

We became dog obsessed. One Saturday morning, Bobby looked to see what new dogs were up for adoption. He noticed a cute little 10 week old English Pointer mix (Charlie) and his brother (Leo). He said we should run to the shelter and see if one of them could be our dog. We hopped in the car and headed to the shelter. About an hour later...we were the proud parents of a 10 week old little boy (Leo) that we later named Porter.

Isn't he adorable??


Sara B said...

OH! He's so cute!
P.S. Happy Birthday Bob! I didn't get your card out in time....sorry! Hope you had a great day.

Sally Brewer said...

What a cutie!