Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hellllloooooo Colorado!

It has been 7 days with no internet...7 days of no emails (other than my blackberry), no online shopping, no weather, no online bill pay, no blogging, no blog-stalking everyone else and no possibilty of downloading pictures!

We finally got our cable, phone and internet and it seems as though I have become a lot less productive around the house (don't tell Bobby). Since we moved in we have done nothing but unpack, clean, organize and most importantly...shop for furniture. Since getting the internet back I have looked online and searched for my camera cord so that I can share my pictures with all of you. Oh yeah, still haven't found that camera cord.

I will keep up the search for the camera cord because the posts are just no fun without the pictures! I am going to try to start with pictures from our last days in DC, then our road trip across the country and finally our new house!

Happy almost Turkey Day!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bye Bye Bye DC...

I looked at Bobby tonight while eating our last meal (Chinese delivery) in our cute little apartment and said, "this is it...our last night here." I actually cannot believe it. I can honestly say that I am now more ready than EVER! We have been living with an apartment full of boxes for 48 hours, and that is about 48 hours too long.

We will be stopping in Pittsburgh for three days and then we hit the road, full speed ahead. DC was fun for a few years (3.5 for me, 7 for Bobby) but it is time to move on. It is time to start our new life in our new home. A home that we can actually paint, update the bathrooms, have our own walls, a garage and a backyard!

I knew today was a good day when our "landlord" came by to give us back our deposit. He said that he put it into an account where it could gain interest so I was excited to see what we would get back...then tension was mounting when he brought out his checkbook and then it all went downhill. I think he mumbled something about not getting a full 1%...1%?! Let's just say that we didn't even get an extra Andrew Jackson...so sad.

I must get back to packing...yes, packing. I feel that I need a new outfit for each of the days while we sit in the car for 7 hours. I also need several pairs of shoes because I am not sure of the weather in each part of the country. I want to be prepared for the rain, the sun, the wind, and the snow...snow? let's hope not!

Here is our apartment full of boxes...oh my.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

One more week...

Tomorrow is November 3rd which is one week from moving day. One week? That can't be right! Bobby and I were just looking at all of the pictures of our new house and we still cannot believe that it is our house... OUR HOUSE!

We have been trying so hard to organize, clean, pack, throw things away all while keeping things in order. It isn't going so well. Each day the apartment gets a little messier and it seems like we acquire more things. I think we are finding things that we forget we ever had! I guess that is what to expect when you live in 650 square feet. I can't wait until the movers pick up our bed and realize how much stuff we crammed under there. I might have to take a picture of the expression on their faces! They may need another truck...oops!

We checked the weather for Colorado today and it was 75 degrees. Where is all the snow that everyone keeps mentioning to me. Here is how a typical conversation goes when someone finds out I am moving to Colorado. I say, "Yep, we are moving to Denver" then they say, "Wow, you better get some snow boots and a shovel." Is everyone trying to scare me? I get cold very easily and telling me that I need snow boots is just mean. Really, really mean.

Here we are over the summer at the WW2 memorial a few days after we found out where we would be spending the next few years of our lives!

Thumbs up for Colorado!!!