Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hellllloooooo Colorado!

It has been 7 days with no internet...7 days of no emails (other than my blackberry), no online shopping, no weather, no online bill pay, no blogging, no blog-stalking everyone else and no possibilty of downloading pictures!

We finally got our cable, phone and internet and it seems as though I have become a lot less productive around the house (don't tell Bobby). Since we moved in we have done nothing but unpack, clean, organize and most importantly...shop for furniture. Since getting the internet back I have looked online and searched for my camera cord so that I can share my pictures with all of you. Oh yeah, still haven't found that camera cord.

I will keep up the search for the camera cord because the posts are just no fun without the pictures! I am going to try to start with pictures from our last days in DC, then our road trip across the country and finally our new house!

Happy almost Turkey Day!!