Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bad hair days.

I miss my old job for many reasons. The people that I worked with, the clients/brides that I grew to love, my boss, interesting people, the crazy homeless people, being downtown and lunch with my work buddies are just a few of the things that I have missed. Most importantly, I miss my hair product discount and my free hair services.

When I was in Chicago last week (blog post to come soon), I tagged along with my friend Martha to her hair appointment and decided to join in the fun! It was so strange and a bit scary, having someone else cut my hair (I’m sorry Rodney) but she did a pretty good job! I haven't gotten a new color yet because I cannot spend hundreds of dollars on hair color while we are still buying furniture. We also just put our first mortgage payment in the mail yesterday so hair color is the low man on the totem pole…

If you see me anytime soon, please try not to focus on the severe roots that I have. It is a sad day when a girl can’t get her hair colored. Boxed color from WalMart, here I come!

I wanted to share a few pictures of my favorite people back at Andre Chreky! If you are in DC, you should stop by and see Rodney for a cut and Faviola for color – it doesn’t get much better!