Friday, December 12, 2008


So much traveling and so little blogging. I have been fending for myself back home in CO for almost two weeks now while you know who is off in Chicago. While he has been away I made good use of my time by flying to Texas for 5 days to have an early Christmas with my mom's side of the family (pictures to come soon). I then went home for 2 days and in that 2 days I took down the wallpaper in the spare bedroom AND I shoveled the driveway and sidewalk which consisted of about 8 inches of CO snow. I now realize how hard that really is!

After the 2 days at home, I hopped back on a plane to the Windy City! I now sit here in the "business center" at a hotel in Chicago. I have no pictures to share but I wanted to let everyone now that we are still around and I will make sure to post some pictures soon!


Sara B said...

I'm right with ya on the snow shoveling!! It gets better. The last time, I only let a couple curse words fly and fell down just once. All in all a good shoveling day. :)

L&L said...

I'm wondering why the pictures from our family Christmas in Houston aren't posted! ;)

PUT THEM UP!!!!!!!!



Meg and Bobby said...

I am working on putting up the Texas pics but it takes tie because there are so many "glamour shots" of meg & lauren...yikes!