Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Roughin' it...

Yes, you read that correctly. Roughin' it. As in Camping...in the mountains...with no cell phone or Internet service...for 36 hours.

I loved every minute of it! Okay so it rained, and by rained I mean spilled large buckets of water from the sky throughout the night BUT we had a trailer. Thank the lord for that trailer! Brent and Jana were nice enough to ask us to come along for a weekend in Vail. Bobby said "yes", me...not so much. There was a little convincing but I am so glad that we went!

Yes, we had a trailer with a bathroom, shower, kitchen and beds but who is keeping track. I went camping!

There were a few hiccups along the way but nothing that 4 adults and 3 dogs couldn't handle. Yes, all the dogs were there, Tino, Diezel and Porter. Diezel is a wild man and Porter tries so hard to keep up but he loves his nap-time. Diezel was not giving Porter his nap-time...

We started at about 9,000 feet and went up to 10,500 for some better views!

This is what we saw when we arrived at our campsite - amazing!

Me taking 500 pictures of Porter in the side mirror of the Jeep

This is what we saw driving up the mountain!

Amazing view from the trailer

My first camping trip!

Brent and Bobby after a long ride in the rain

This is what Porter and Diezel did for 24 hours straight...nonstop
The sky was gorgeous!

Best buddies

Our Camp site (thank heavens for that trailer!)

We went up a little higher on the quad (10,500 feet up)

Look at me - down and dirty on a quad with no makeup!

Brent took Tino for a ride and he loved it!

We were all searching for Porter as we were packing up the cars getting ready to head home. Somehow he snuck his way into Brent and Jana's truck to take a nap.
Diezel is to much for him I guess!

Some of the views on the way back down

A few amazing homes in Vail


Sara B said...

Beautiful pictures. I always try to see what shoes you are wearing. I just imagine you camping in high heels!

Meg and Bobby said...

That is funny! Times have changed since I moved to CO - I was wearing Ugg boots most of the time!!

Jennifer said...

Looks awesome! Gosh, I can't imagine you camping...in the woods...with no makeup! Rock on! Porter has gotten so big so fast!