Friday, July 10, 2009

Ya'll come back now, ya' hear!

Ahhhhh, Texas. I have a love - hate relationship with this state. My momma and I try to make at least one trip to Texas per year to visit my Grammy and my Aunt and Uncle.

When I arrived at the airport and stepped out the door I knew that this time might be a "hate". After now living in Denver for 7 months (we went in May), the humidity was overwhelming. I forgot how much I hate moisture in the air. I felt like my jeans were sticking to the backs of my legs...not good.

Anyways, I met my mom at the airport (yay) and then thankfully Uncle John came and swooped us up in the truck with the AC blasting to the point that I was freezing but it was much better than felling the humidity!

Thankfully they live on a lake with a boat and some jet skis and they have a pool steps from the house. This trip may not be so bad after all!

This is when my mom and I discovered my Uncle John's "Don't mess with Texas" hard hat.

Mini photo shoot in the backseat of the truck!

The whole gang out to dinner - Mom, me, Aunt Jennifer, Uncle John and Grammy

Uncle John and Aunt Jennifer (right before he ate about 5 lb's of craw fish)

3 generations!

Aunt Debbie and Uncle Todd (Tim's brother, in case you couldn't tell)

Mother and daughter (and the biggest glass of iced tea ever)

Hanging out on the boat

Me and momma on the jet ski

The dog baby hanging out on the raft!

Getting ready to go out on the lake

Let me tell you a little story about me, the lake and a jet ski...
So, my Uncle John says that he needs to go get gas in one of the jet skis and asks if I want to take the other one just for fun. I of course said yes because I do love jet skis! As we are driving along down the lake (which is the largest man-made lake in Texas with 300 miles of coast line!), a piece of paper flies out of the "glove-box" which I then realize is the registration. Uncle John keeps on going and I have to turn around to go back and get it. After 5 minutes of circling around the paper I finally was able to pick it up. Yes, I could have jumped in the water but I didn't want to get my hair wet! Thankfully it was in a plastic bag so all was well and off I went to find Uncle John...
No Uncle John in sight. I drive over to one of the water accessible gas stations and he is nowhere to be found. I go back out int the big part of the lake and see 20 other jet skis but none of them are him. I start heading back towards the house but then realize that I am seeing houses that do not look familiar to me. I keep going anyways. About an hour later I realize that I am lost...really, really lost and it is hot. My shoulders are on fire and I feel like I could puke from the choppy water. I drive around some more trying to find my way and by this point it has been close to 2 hours. I finally see some people hanging out on their dock so I head over to ask them which way to go.
I say, "I am sooooo lost and I am visiting from out of town but My Aunt and Uncle live by the golf course, can you tell me which way to go to get back?". I then realize that this "man" is like a 10 year old luck. He runs inside to get his dad who then asks me, "which golf course?"
Needless to say I made it back in one piece. I was about 30 minutes away from their house in the totally wrong direction! They had the police and the lake patrol searching for me...oops.
I like to call that part of my life, "Lost on the lake".


Karyn Hatch said...

Yep, the humidity in TX is like no other! I'm glad you had a fun time though. I loved your pics. Made me miss it! I'm glad you survived your lost on the lake experience too! :)

Sara B said...

That totally sounds like something I would do! :)