Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kent State reunion!!

So one year I decided to go to college...ad stay for one year and one year only. In that one year I made a few great friends who just happen to either live or have lived in Denver! Let me tell you how we all met. Fist day of college I met my three totally random roommates, Carrie, Katie and Margeaux. 8 years later, Carrie and I are still chatting away! I also got a chance to meet Sarah who lived right next door to us in good old Musselman hall!

When I found out that we would be moving to Denver I was so excited because I knew that Carrie lived here and she LOVED it! As it turned out, she was no longer going to be living here. Carrie and her fiance were moving away...sad. Carrie then told me that Sarah was moving to Denver in November (same as us) and that I should call her...so I did! 7 months later we all came together when Carrie came to visit!

Sarah and I get to hang out all the time and Carrie will be joining us again soon as her and Tommy will be moving back to CO - yay!!

Here are a few pics from when Carrie was here!

Sarah, Carrie and Meg

Old roomies!

Carrie got engaged while she was here visiting - how exciting!! (mine on the left, Carrie on the right)

Yes, I made Carrie put her hand like that!

Carrie, Meg and Sarah again

We stopped by the Cherry Creek Farmers Market

Well, who would have thunk that eight year later we would all be so close and in the same city halfway across the country from Ohio...fate, I guess!


Sara B said...

Looks like you guys are having fun in CO! Can't wait to come visit! :)