Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jeepin' to Colorado!

Who knew that the jeep would be able to trek across the country with no problem at all?! I sure didn't! Bobby's jeep was left behind in Pittsburgh a few months ago and it just so happens that my in-laws love a good road trip! The two of them hopped in the jeep and drove from the 'burg to Colorado in a 72 hour trip! Here are a few picture from their trip here in Colorado.

They re the tiny little dots in the middle of the picture. This is on the stage at Red Rocks Amphitheatre.

Here they are a little closer up

This was somewhere in Rampart Range which is about an hour from our house...I don't remember exactly how we got there now that I think about it.

This was on our trip up to the top of Pike's Peak

The men on Pike's Peak (Bobby cannot handle sunlight...)

The family (minus Kristin)