Monday, June 29, 2009

Roses, roses everywhere...and a strawberry too!

Who would have thought that I would be little Miss Domestic?! Yep, that's right, I am giving myself that title after successfully keeping my flowers alive!

When we came to look at our house before we actually bought it I fell in love with the rose bushes in the backyard. I knew that I would never see them again because I figured that I would kill them within the first glimpse of summer...but oh no, they are here and in full bloom!

Yes, we also have strawberries growing in our yard...we haven't actually eaten any yet!

Look at those roses!

These ones are my favorites - they are a cream color with pink edges!

I honestly don't know what to do with all of them. Part of me wants to cut them all off and put them in vases all over our house but then I will be so sad when they are gone. What is a girl to do with her roses?!