Sunday, June 28, 2009


Yes, you read that correctly...Matchmaker's. Bobby and I should open our own business to set up singles! Before Bobby and I moved to CO we had said for months that we had to get our friends Katie (my co-worker) and Jon (Bobby's co-worker) to meet. I talked about Jon to Katie and I made sure to mention Katie to Jon but nothing ever came of it...until our going away party! We finally introduced the two love-birds the day before we left DC which was not the best timing on our part. We never got to hang out as a group and Jon was moving away from DC a few weeks later too! I kept telling them that Bobby and I started out long-distance and look at us now!!

Anyways, the two of them hit it off and are now attached at the hip (even though they live in different cities...for now). The best part of the story is that Katie's twin sister and her husband (Eileen and Kyle) live here in Colorado! So Jon and Katie made a trip out here to visit everyone which was so much fun. Here are a few pictures from a night out at a down and dirty country bar...

Meg and Bobby

Jon and Katie on the left, Kyle and Eileen on the right

The love birds that we put together!

Married, Engaged and dating

Me and the twins (Eileen and Katie)

On another note. Kyle and Eileen are both in the military and Kyle is currently serving a one year tour in Afghanistan. Please keep Kyle in your prayers!